Legacy Entertainment to make its debut May 7 in Saudi Arabia

By | April 30, 2024

HOLLYWOOD, Calif. — Legacy Entertainment, the acclaimed designer of several of the world’s largest Theme Parks, Resorts, and Aquariums, will be making its Saudi Arabian debut at May’s Saudi Entertainment and Amusement (SEA) Expo in Riyadh, May 7-9. There, the company will debut its brand new Expo Booth, which has been custom designed specifically for the SEA event.

During the SEA Expo, Taylor Jeffs, Legacy’s President and Chief Creative Officer, will be delivering a keynote speech.

“Saudi Arabia is the most exciting market in the world right now,” said Eric Carnagey, Legacy’s Managing Director, as well as one of the firm’s owners. “With a combination of vision, talent, and access to capital, there is an opportunity there to transform the way the entire world experiences and consumes the next generation of location-based entertainment.”

Despite this being Legacy’s first public showcase in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the firm has been active in the region for several years. Currently, Legacy has four projects in the Middle East at various stages of design and construction.

Long known as a dominant themed attraction-design force throughout Asia, the executives at Legacy point out that they have been waiting for just the right opportunity before diving into the Saudi Arabian market

“A key part of Legacy’s success over the years has been exercising great discretion in selecting the exact right projects with the exact right partners,” Carnagey adds. “We have waited a long time for just the right opportunities in Saudi Arabia to present themselves, and we are confident that within the very near future, the Legacy brand will be successfully launched in this vital region with the strongest suite of new partners and projects imaginable!”

This year’s SEA Expo comes at a pivotal time for the bustling Saudi Arabian market. Despite there only being a few operating Theme Parks available in the region at this time, a recent YouGov study has indicated that 1 in 5 Saudi residents prefer Theme Parks as their go-to leisure destination. “This figure is remarkably strong for a market in its infancy and suggests a bright future for the various parks in that region which are currently under-construction, including Six Flags Qiddiya,” Carnagey concludes.