Extreme Engineering elevates golf entertainment with world’s first golf ball cannons at Atomic Golf

By | April 9, 2024

ATHENS, Texas — Extreme Engineering, a global leader in family coasters, attractions, and engineering design, proudly announces the debut of the world’s first commercial golf ball cannons at Las Vegas’ newest venue, Atomic Golf. Positioned as a bold brand of golf entertainment, Atomic Golf offers an expansive 99,000 square feet of entertainment, fun, and games, making it one of the largest driving ranges of its kind. Nestled adjacent to the Stratosphere Hotel, this exciting facility boasts four floors, over 100 high-tech golf bays, and eight diverse games to cater to every golfer’s preferences. 

Extreme Engineering’s collaboration with Atomic Golf had led to the development of state-of-the-art golf ball launching cannons, providing guests of all ages with an exhilarating way to launch golf balls onto the driving range. Phil Wilson, Chief Development Officer at Extreme Engineering, expressed enthusiasm about the project stating, “Working with the team at Atomic Golf was an absolute blast. Bringing their concept to reality was one of our favorite design projects to date. Witnessing guests’ excitement while operating the cannons was even more rewarding.”

Situated exclusively at designated golf bays, guests can load a bucket of balls into the cannon system. Once the spring-loaded handles are pulled back, the cannons automatically charge their integrated air cells, signaled by a green light indicating readiness for launch. Guests can aim precisely using the cannon’s scope, enhancing the experience.

“The sounds of the cannon launching balls adds another dimension to the thrill, “noted Jeff Wilson, CEO of Extreme Engineering. “The distinctive sound captures the attention of surrounding guests, making it a showcase attraction.”

Atomic Golf is now open daily, offering pre-booking options for individual bays accommodating up to 16 guests. Additionally, group events, including luxury suites with VIP elevators, are available to provide the ultimate golfing experiences for visitors.