Rich Hill named Senior Designer at Sally Corporation

By | December 12, 2011

Rich Hill, who joined Sally Corporation twelve years ago as an artist, and four years ago became a member of the company’s award-winning design team, has been promoted to the position of senior designer.

A graduate of the Art Institute of Pittsburgh, Hill studied under some of the most noted special effects designers in the movie and theme park industries before joining a small animatronics company as a sculptor and animatronics specialist, building characters for Rainforest Café, Disney World, and Universal Studios. Later opening his own studio, Hill undertook design and sculpting projects for various theme parks and companies before joining Sally.

“Since joining the design department, Rich has done an outstanding job across the board, and as lead designer on several projects,” says Sally CEO John Wood. “He brings knowledge, imagination and dedication to every project, and has become an invaluable part of our team.”

Hill works directly with Drew Hunter, vice-president of creative design, on all aspects of conceptualization and design for the company’s interactive dark rides, animatronics, and exhibits.