Work starts on Gardaland’s new 2024 attraction

By | January 18, 2024

Work has begun on the new 2024 attraction – available from June – at Gardaland Resort, the marketleader in family entertainment in Italy and Europe.

As of this summer, guests will be able to enjoy a new attraction, which now officially begins to take shape with the placement of a symbolic and eye-catching stone at the centre of the site.

The violet-coloured stone, personalised with 22 mysterious symbols and a message to be deciphered, becomes, until further details are revealed, the symbol of a new attraction that will welcome millions of guests in the coming season, who will be able to enjoy it in an ever-changing and emotively engaging manner, depending on their age.

In fact, Gardaland’s new adventure ride of 2024 will be an attraction for thrill-seekers and adventure lovers from Generation X to Generation Z, right up to Gen Alpha, and will be able to transport around 350 people per hour (of heights over 120 cm). Located in a 494 m2 area, it will take the place of Sequoia Magic Loop, next to the Shaman and Colorado Boat attractions.

Rich in special effects and with a highly spectacular impact, the new attraction – for which no name has yet been revealed, only a few details thickening the mystery – will welcome different generations, ensuring (in perfect Gardaland style) a new and immersive adventure.

The stone, made by Gardaland Resort’s creative department in about 10 steps for a total of 100 hours of work, will be placed in the new attraction when work on the site is completed.

“We are looking forward to welcoming our guests for the new season, certain that the future attraction will surprise them and allow them to immerse themselves in a new magical setting”, says Sabrina de Carvalho, CEO of Gardaland Resort.