Swedish amusement park Liseberg is looking for participants for first international moon trip

By | August 18, 2023

Liseberg wants to take the entire world to the moon! Now, the amusement park is seeking citizens from all countries around the world for the world’s first international moon trip – aboard the new roller coaster, Luna.

– We see this as a unique opportunity for all countries in the world that have not yet had the chance to travel to the moon, says Mårten Westlund, communications director at Liseberg.

Luna, which was inaugurated this year along with Liseberg’s 100th anniversary, is a so-called boomerang roller coaster – first you ride forwards, and then backwards on the same journey. Standing at a height of over 64 metres above sea level, Luna is the tallest and fastest of its kind in the world. Just where the train turns at its highest point, you are as close to the moon as you possibly could be within the amusement park.

This inspired Liseberg to organise the world’s first international moon trip. “Do you want to travel to the moon?” the amusement park asks as it reaches out through its own channels, seeking individuals who are citizens of, or have strong connections to, countries other than Sweden. One chosen representative from each country in the world will be sent up on Luna on the first Saturday in September:

– Only one nation has so far had citizens who set foot on the moon’s surface, and we find that a bit of a shame. Now, we are inviting the whole world to the world’s first international moon trip. It’s a unique opportunity to be part of creating an amazing shared memory, says Mårten Westlund, communications director at Liseberg.

When Liseberg are looking for moon travellers to represent all countries, they are referring to the United Nations’ list of internationally recognised states, as well as states with observer status. On the dedicated website where volunteers can express their interest, information about the moon trip is available in all the world’s languages.

– Our ambition is to gather individuals from as many countries as possible, and we will encourage our chosen moon travellers to bring flags or dress in their country’s colours, says Mårten Westlund.

The international premiere tour will take place on Saturday, 2nd September, at 10:00 AM.