Amusement Today to offer limited print editions, subscriptions

By | November 16, 2021

ARLINGTON, Texas — Amusement Today Publisher Gary Slade has announced that beginning with the January 2022 issue, the trade publication will resume printed editions, but in limited quantity.

AT paid subscribers that were still owed mailed editions, after printing was suspended in April 2020 due to the COVID pandemic, will once again be mailed issues. One change to the printed copy will be the size, as the issue will now appear in a 9 by 12 inch format — slightly larger than a typical magazine size. All paid subscriptions will be credited for missing issues. Ending dates for subscriptions will be extended to end with either the June or December issues in the year the individual’s subscription expires. Renewals will be sent in advance of the expiration date.

Readers who have received a complimentary printed copy in the past will now be asked to subscribe for the print issues due to the increase in paper, printing and postage.

Subscriptions will be made available to readers, but will only be available for signup at the various industry trade shows (including IAAPA Expo 2021, booth #4215), safety seminars and other events.  All print subscriptions will be sent via first class U.S. mail.

Free digital subscriptions to Amusement Today monthly editions will continue to be offered. 

Visit Amusement Today at IAAPA Expo 2021 booth #4215 to subscribe today!

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