Embed expands its COVID-19 Relief act with additional support measures
By News Release | May 26, 2020

SINGAPORE — In a dramatic follow-up to Embed’s previous announcement, the Embed COVID-19 Relief Act , Embed’s CEO, Renee Welsh, and Embed’s CMO, Sara Paz, announced via webcast, Embed is expanding its ongoing support as a powerful demonstration of Embed’s commitment to its customer and industry’s recovery. During the webcast, Welsh announced the Embed COVID-19 RESOURCE CENTER, which includes the following:
Not only is Embed giving the Mobile Wallet and Mobile Portal to operators for free as part of Embed’s COVID-19 Relief Act, Embed is also giving operators a comprehensive go-to-market toolkit to enable them to launch the service and drive uptake in their operations. The toolkit includes a range of marketing assets: digital marketing banners and social media posts, posters in every size, clings, table-tops, wobblers, employee T-shirts and caps, instructions and how to’s, including employee cheat-sheets. Embed even developed a QR code system to ease uptake and virtual game card reloading! The creative visuals cover a broad range of FECs operations, from bowling to VR, the creative supports any FEC. The kit also includes a wide range of messaging to cover every consumer touchpoint, from digital and social media, shopping centers/mall areas to the storefront, and the game room. The messaging architecture includes Headlines, Sub-Headlines, Taglines, Footers, and even Tactical Demand-Generation ideas.
“After our CEO, Renee, announced she is taking Embed’s latest innovation, the award-winning Mobile Wallet and Mobile Portal, and giving it to operators for free (which is comparable to Apple giving away the latest iPhone simply because people need it), I challenged the marketing team ‘what else can we do to support operators during this time?’ And, this was the next logical and organic step: let’s give them the marketing tools to help them tell their community how they are providing a safe, clean and fun FEC experiences for families with the virtual game card in the Mobile Wallet, reassuring families of a contact-free/low-touch gaming payments experience (stopping the spread of viruses). The worst of times has the power to bring out the best in people, we’re inspired by it and wanted to be a part of it, so working on this was 100% feel good and giving it to our customers for free means more to us than I can properly express here.” said Sara Paz, CMO, Embed.
Realizing that not all FECs have in-house marketing teams or the resources to hire marketing agencies, Embed’s in-house marketing and creative team developed a comprehensive creative toolkit to help FECs plan for a successful reopening to expedite recovery: this creative toolkit is for FECs to use across all marketing touchpoints, from digital marketing and email eDM marketing to their guests; from storefront posters and social distancing stickers, and even the humble restroom stall. Multiple creative design concepts across a wide range of customer touchpoints. Embed designed powerful messaging: The Coronavirus is serious, so is our response (Headlines), Keep Your Distance (for social distancing), Cough Under Cover, and Good Hygiene is in Your Hands (hygiene). The kit includes a wide range of designs in different colours, so Operators have a choice – even going so far as to include a safety badge (Safe. Clean. Fun). The Creatives are provided in ready-to-print versions or artwork files they can customize (by adding the logos, modifying copy, etc.).
“As we’ve seen time and again around the globe, when consumers surge from their homes, they are not going to businesses they perceive as unsafe or to businesses that haven’t pervasively communicated the safety measures they are taking to mitigate risk. So, we took the insights and designed creative to support the Operators, who don’t have in-house designers and copywriters. This toolkit takes the burden off the operators so they can focus on their operation.” said Renee Welsh, CEO, Embed.
Embed’s COVID-19 RESOURCE CENTER includes the above creative toolkits, as well as other resources for FECs to use and reference, like downloadable Insights Paper FEC 2.0: Getting to the Other Side, videos with industry-insiders via EmbedLIVE a web series that includes 20 webchats across 68-segments and inspiring blog content written in-house by the team.
This is far from business as usual, but Embed’s e-lights are on and we’re working hard to support the industry with solid support initiatives and concrete and meaningful deliverables because we know actions are more powerful than words. We’re working hard to get through this, together. And together we will!