A message from Beech Bend Park
By News Release | May 26, 2020
We hope that you, your family and friends are staying healthy and safe this holiday weekend. We salute the men and women who have fought for our freedoms over the years. We are eager to open Beech Bend Park and Splash Lagoon Water Park in a safe and responsible manner. Our family is determined and dedicated to providing safe, clean fun for our loyal season pass holders and all guests. We have been working hard preparing the parks to open with a small, but mighty crew. The safety and health of our employees and guests is our top priority. We thank you for your patience.

We are working with local and state officials to open our parks. We submitted a re-opening plan to the Governor’s office and are anxiously awaiting instructions from them. We are hopeful that we will be able to announce an opening date soon. Our re-opening plan was developed using guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other government health agencies.
The plan is designed to protect guests and employees from potential exposure to COVID-19. You will notice a lot of changes in the way things are done when you visit. Our employees will be screened daily before starting work. Screening will include no-contact temperature checks and symptom questionnaires. All employees will be required to wear face masks while working to the extent possible. Employee team members will be educated about illness prevention, preparedness and response.
Social distancing will be accomplished through modified ride loading, park capacity limits, and requiring six-feet of social distance in ride lines, food lines, admission lines, show seating, and in all water park areas. There will be protective shields between employees and guests at all point of sale locations.
We have been sanitizing all surfaces in our park and have trained staff on proper cleaning procedures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. We are increasing the frequency of cleaning procedures and are adding hand washing stations and/or hand sanitizing stations all over the parks.
You will notice lots of signage reminding guests to practice proper social distancing. The only exceptions will be for family units that live together. Families that come to the park will be allowed to sit together, ride together, slide together, etc.
Food service may be a little slower because some of our point of sale registers will be closed to accomplish social distancing. Condiments will be in single serve packages and we ask that you use a no-contact credit or debit card when possible. Souvenir bottle refills will still be available.
The CDC states: “Proper operation, maintenance and disinfection (e.g. with chlorine and bromine) of pools and hot tubs should remove or deactivate the virus that causes COVID-19.” We will achieve social distancing in our pools by limiting capacity levels. Tubes, pool furniture and life jackets will be sanitized and we ask all guests to use a towel on all pool furniture. Pool chairs will be spaced in family sections of five each to accomplish social distancing.
We plan on making up for lost time by adding more open days in August if school calendars permit us to do so. We will be announcing more value-added benefits for season pass holders when we are given an official opening date. For season pass holders that choose not to use their season pass in 2020, the pass will automatically be rolled over to 2021.
Beech Bend Park would like to thank you for your continued support. Your loyalty and patronage mean so much to us and we are grateful for the opportunity of creating so many summer memories with you. We also want to relay a big THANK YOU to those who serve as first responders, doctors, nurses, healthcare workers, and essential workers.
Our family looks forward to entertaining your family soon,
The Dallas & Alfreda Jones Family