I Want My IRTV: registration for Ride Camp 2024 is now open!

By | November 13, 2023

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Get out your “1980’s NEON” and get ready to explore ride operations safety, excellence in guest service, and effective efficiency like never before. International Ride Training, the gold standard in operational safety services in the amusement industry, has opened registration for their Annual Safety School, known as Ride Camp. Scheduled for February 5-9, 2024, this year’s event will be held at the Historic Pleasure Pier in Galveston, Texas.

Led by an impressive faculty with decades of attractions industry experience, “Ride Camp Counselors” and other industry leaders will be teaching over 60 sessions, providing a highly immersive training experience focused on ride safety and operations best practices.

“We are excited because this year we are offering tracks for Level One for first time attendees, Level Two for middle operations management and Level Three for the leadership attendees,” said Cindee Huddy, co-owner and managing member of IRT. “We have an action-packed week planned for IROC clients and businesses that operate rides and attractions.”

Some of this year’s educational sessions include Cobra Kai Ride Supervisor Operational Moves for the WIN!, Leadership Ted Lasso Style, Fearless Feedback – Taylor Swift Style, Applying the Americans with Disabilities Act, Normalization of Deviance and Preventative Measures, Peeling the Operational Safety Onion, Train the Trainer Tips and Techniques, and many more.

Attendees, or “Campers”, work both in the classroom and in hands-on training exercises using Pleasure Pier’s rides to put what they are learning into practice, including the 10 Critical Components. Up to 4 CEUs will be awarded from Tunxis College for those Campers who qualify to receive them.

To learn more or register, go to ridetraining.com/ridecamp.