Gardaland Resort announces a new 2024 attraction, inspired by Native American legends

By | October 18, 2023

Gardaland Resort, leader in family entertainment in Italy and Europe, announces the new 2024 attraction at Gardaland.

“This will be a major attraction, with a very strong theme inspired by the legends of the Native Americans, who have always been the protagonists of true stories as well as cinematographic and literary works which illustrate qualities such as courage and physical prowess, as well as altruism and a strong connection with nature and famous rituals performed for a wide variety of purposes, from the Sun Dance to that of purification” says Sabrina de Carvalho, CEO of Gardaland Resort. “The story of the Native Americans is known by everyone and, for this reason, the new attraction will involve – in a different way – guest of different generations”.

So it is that, from 20th October, when strolling along the avenues of Gardaland Park during Magic Halloween, visitors will be able to see the first sign of the future attraction, a purple fence bearing an important inscription: “An ancient legend of the Native Americans”.

“Gardaland, with its 3 million visitors, ranks among the most visited destinations in Italy and plays a key role among the theme parks in the Italian market. With the arrival of this new attraction, we aim to provide our guests with even more memorable experiences”, says Sabrina de Carvalho.