NWSC Safety Seminar: We’re on for 2021
By News Release | October 7, 2020
We are all having a crazy year and in the mist of all this, we were not planning on having a NWSC Safety Seminar because we know that people in this industry are being financially impacted by the virus and assumed that it would not be in anyone’s budget to attend.

With that said, We have had a lot of phone calls from people who heard we were not planning on having the seminar and asked us if we could put together a 2 day seminar so people could get the certifications (from a credited seminar, which we are) they needed for the 2021 season.
We had a meeting and decided we will use the seminar savings to fund the bulk of the event this year. We will charge $75 (reg $200) for the 2 day seminar but will only provide Lunch due to the food restrictions. The Seminar will take place only on February 16, & 17, 2021. Right now with being in Phase 1 we are only able to host 50 students but if by February we have moved into a different phase we will open more seats up. We would like to get the seminar down to $50 per person and was hoping you might be able to help out financially to make this happen? Any dollar amount would help and we would be grateful.
We know everyone has had a rough or no year at all and totally understand if you do not have the funds to donate. We are just grateful we have always had you backing the seminar in the past and totally understand. We are just throwing it out there and hoping for the best. We look forward to hearing from you, Please keep safe and may the 2021 season be the best season we ever had.