Arihant trains water parks to re-Imagine…re-Boot
By News Release | September 17, 2020
Arihant Waterpark Equipment together with Arihant Water Park Academy is on a mission to guide waterparks and facilities in jumping back to business! With a Campaign to reach out and help about 500+ parks in India and neighboring countries, Arihant has already conducted 4 editions of the “ Re-opening…..Re-imagined – Virtual Knowledge Sharing” webinars in just one month’s time where parks owners, operators & managers participated with great zest.

Current times are difficult, highly uncertain and has greatly affected leisure sector. Arihant’s campaign aims to educate parks to operate in the “New Normal” and equip them with risk mitigation strategies so that they can be ready to welcome guests as soon as regulation permits. Understanding that it has been a tough time financially for park owners, the sessions were absolutely free for participants.
The session contents were derived from the vast knowledge and experience gained first hand while operating their own park ‘The Great Escape’ and interactions with global clientele who have opened their parks with Covid safety measures. The sessions included sharing of ideas on- Covid safety to keep the guests safe in a waterpark, cost cutting measures and some new revenue generation opportunities. The 90 min sharing session was split into 3 parts where the panel speakers guide the attendees on topics like Park Re-opening strategy, Slide maintenance and Park maintenance.
With more such Knowledge sharing sessions planned in future, Arihant aims to create a platform for knowledge sharing where park owners, operators can come and share their ideas and knowledge digitally and benefit from peer learning.
If your park employees too wish to attend these sessions, let us know by dropping a email on [email protected] and we would notify you of the next available webinar slot.