White House issues proclamation temporarily suspending certain work visas
By News Release | June 24, 2020
On Monday, June 22, President Donald Trump issued the Proclamation Suspending Entry of Aliens Who Present a Risk to the U.S. Labor Market Following the Coronavirus Outbreak, which extends the suspension of entry of aliens as immigrants into the United States. The Proclamation is effective as of June 24 and lasts until December 31, 2020.
The Proclamation also applies to J1-Visas, which include the summer work travel, interns, trainees, teachers, camp counselors and au pairs. Other visa categories suspended include: H-1B, H-2B and L.
Those who currently hold one of these visas and are in the United States are not affected nor are those individuals who hold a valid visa as of the effective date and travel documentation permitting travel to the United States.
IAAPA continues to urge the Administration to exclude international exchange programs from any future executive actions suspending immigration. As more information becomes available, IAAPA will share.