AIMS Certification renewal date extended
By News Release | June 1, 2020
We realize that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, you and your teams may not have had the time or resources available to earn the continuing education units (CEUs) necessary to renew your AIMS certification in time for the May 31 deadline.

To relieve some of the pressure and allow you to focus on the important task of preparing your business for the summer operating season, we have extended the renewal deadline for all AIMS certifications expiring in 2020 to September 30, without penalty.
In an effort to make earning CEU’s more convenient, we recently launched the new learning platform, AIMS connectED featuring a wide variety of online courses to earn the CEU’s you may need for your certification renewal.
On a personal note, I want to thank you for the sacrifices that you and your business have made to keep amusement park guests and employees safe during these unusual times. I hope that if there is anything that we, at AIMS International, can do to support you in your efforts to safely re-open amusement facilities around the world, you will reach out to us at [email protected]. We are here to assist anyway we can.
Mary Jane Brewer
AIMS International