CDC issues new operating considerations for public pools
By News Release | May 12, 2020

As we continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, we wanted to pass along important recently released information by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that may be particularly helpful to members who operate water parks. We encourage IAAPA members to read through these documents carefully as they will likely become the basis for reopening guidelines provided by your local public health officials.
· Considerations for Public Pools, Hot Tubs, and Water Playgrounds During COVID-19 contains information on ways to prevent the spread of the virus and outlines steps operators should take in order to keep their environments as healthy as possible. Important information on signage and messaging about stopping the spread is also provided that can be used throughout facilities.
· Visiting Parks and Recreational Facilities contains “know-before-you-go” guidelines for those visiting parks and recreational facilities. Note that the CDC states that there is no evidence COVID-19 can be spread to humans through water and that proper operation, maintenance, and disinfection of pools should kill COVID-19.
· Guidance for Administrators in Parks and Recreational Facilities contains considerations for the use and administration of local, state and national parks. Specifically, the CDC details ways to keep swimming pools properly cleaned and disinfected and recommends viewing the Model Aquatic Health Code for more information to prevent illness and injuries at public pools and parks.