Alabama Adventure: it’s official!
By News Release | May 28, 2020

WE HAVE AN EXCITING UPDATE: Alright everyone, we know there has been a lot of mixed messages out there lately, but we are happy to announce that we have got the OFFICIAL green light from both the State of Alabama and Jefferson County to OPEN on May 30th! To clarify, we are classified as a Water Park and therefore do not fall under the latest restrictions which include many Indoor Entertainment Venues. We are limiting capacity in the park, so we highly recommend purchasing in advance, and visiting on weekdays, when the crowd sizes are smaller. While we are excited to be opening, we do not want to encourage everyone to come out at once. We want to be responsible with our opening, and encourage social distancing, as well as all of the recommendations given to us by our County and State. Ultimately, our Guests, have a personally responsibility to do what they believe is safest for themselves and those around them.
A FEW IMPORTANT REMINDERS: the best way Guests can assist us in the effort to keep everyone SAFE while having FUN is to follow these basic reminders/recommendations:
- Face Coverings are Recommended
- Wash / Sanitize Your Hands Frequently
- Refrain from Touching One’s Face
- Sneeze or Cough into a Tissue or Elbow
- Sick or Vulnerable Guests Should Not Visit
- Maintain 6 Foot Distancing (except for those who share the same household)
- Use Cashless purchases whenever possible (Purchase tickets in advance)
- Limit Group sizes to 8 people or less
- Please do not move chairs or tables from their current locations.
We have completely rethought every aspect of the park to ensure everyone’s safety and we feel confident that these measures will allow families to have a FUN escape, close to home, while being SAFE. We believe it is your right to assess the risks involved, take your own precautions, and come to your own conclusion as to whether to participate in social activities at this time. We also recognize that there are numerous views and opinions regarding these ongoing circumstances, but we want to assure everyone: We Are Ready To Ride When You Are.
For a full list of what we are doing to KEEP YOU SAFE, CLICK HERE!
Lots of Love,
The Koch Family & Management Team