Statement from Scene75 Entertainment Centers
By News Release | March 13, 2020
Dearest Scene75 friends and family-

I’m told that unprecedented times call for unprecedented measures. Well, here we are…
It is extremely difficult for me to make this announcement as Scene75 is the home of joy for many, including myself. But in light of Scene75’s Core Value of PUTTING PEOPLE FIRST, we are making the preemptive decision to close all of our entertainment venues on a TEMPORARY, SHORT-TERM basis. While not all places of gathering, whether theaters or entertainment centers, are making this same, difficult decision at this moment in time, we believe in our hearts that it is the right thing to do to keep our collective family of guests and teammates as safe as possible.
We are tentatively marking March 25th as our likely reopening date for Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus and Pittsburgh locations (Dayton is still in rebuild from the tornadoes!); we will continue to keep you all informed should that date change as news continues to unfold by the minute.
We are a family owned business built for families. Losing two weeks of revenue during our busiest season of the year will pose challenging to us as a company; however, ensuring you and our team are safe and able to sleep soundly at night will certainly help us overcome.
All parties and special events on our calendar will be postponed until we reopen; our team is making calls now to party parents and corporate contacts to reschedule their dates.
I hope and pray that you will join us by the BUSLOAD when the virus has worked its course. And it is NEVER too early to think about planning an event with us for later this year. We will be here waiting with arms wide open and a smile to greet you at our doors upon reopening.
Your friend and Scene75 CEO, in both health and safety.
Much love,
Jonah Sandler