Embed enhances customer experience at Apex Entertainment’s 3rd location
By News Release | January 16, 2020
DALLAS, Texas — Embed is pleased to be involved n the opening of Apex Entertainment’s 3rd location in Albany, New York.

With the opening of Apex’s Albany location in November 2019, the 3rd location installed with Embed’s 100 smartTOUCH Tap Readers, 5 kiosks, and 2 PRIZES workstation, customers visiting this outlet can expect to receive a superior guest experience, thanks to Embed’s integrated business platform that enables business owners to achieve greater operational efficiency while reducing costs and increasing their profitability.
“We’ve worked with Embed since the beginning, and when we talk about Embed, it’s not just another vendor that we work with. It’s a partnership that we want to grow with and be able to have 10 more locations with. So far, we’ve seen great success in everything from A to Z.” said Joey Slawinski, Director of Operations, Apex Entertainment.
“We believe that anything is possible and offer solutions to meet the wide-ranging needs of guests and operators alike. Embed is designed to deliver a superior guest experience and our solution is a completely integrated business platform that enables business owners to achieve greater operational efficiency while reducing costs and increasing their profitability.” said Renee Welsh, CEO Solutions Group.