Embed completes installation at Fun City’s 50th store location in Oasis Mall, Salalah Oman
By News Release | December 5, 2019
Dubai, UAE — Embed is proud to announce the completion of the Embed systems installations in the newly opened Fun City in Oasis Mall. Owned by Landmark, this is Fun City’s 50th store, located in Salalah, the second largest city in Oman.

Embed’s involvement includes 44 award-winning smartTOUCH readers, 2 point-of-sale SALES modules and 2 PRIZES modules. Embed’s integrated solution allows Fun City to focus on their guests and run their business with ease, creating a seamless experience for their customers.
“Embed’s integrated solutions and services have been created to help our operators take their business to the next level. One of the benefits of our platform is that it’s modular, so if you are a business with multi-locations, you can have real time visibility and control across your entire operation, counting on us to support you anytime, anywhere,” said Renee Welsh, CEO Solutions Group.