8th World Circus Day is April 15, 2017
By amusementtoday | March 23, 2017
MONACO – The Fédération Mondiale du Cirque under the Honorary Presidency of H.S.H.Princess Stéphanie of Monaco decided to nominate the third Saturday of April, every year, as the World Circus Day and in 2010 for the first time, called upon the circus communities around the Globe to celebrate together our common holiday.
The circus arts is not limited by borders or languages. Everybody related to this unique performing art form belongs to the same big family regardless where they live, where they work.
The World Circus Day is the national day of the circus arts. It is a great and important opportunity to raise public awareness, to share the wonders and secrets of this magic world, to attract supporters and circus lovers by creating unforgettable moments of happiness.
That day in April in around 50 countries couple of hundreds events took place in the past. Fédération Mondiale du Cirque invites all circuses, circus related organizations, schools, museums in each continent and in every country to honor our biggest common feast by organizing special events.
There are countless forms to mark the date: offering open door activities, animal trainings, professional workshops, organizing exhibitions, festivals or charity shows – just to mention some of them.
Your creativity, imagination and hard work are the guarantee of the success of the 8th World Circus Day in 2017.
We want to beat the record of participants this year! The more we participate the more we can prove the unity, the importance and the force of our community. We ask everybody to use the WCD logo offered by the Federation to strengthen our common image.
Please register your WCD events on the Federation’s website: http://www.circusfederation.org/world_circus_day
Take high resolution photos during the festivities and upload them on the same website. There will be a special Planet Circus WCD edition in June, publishing the best shots selected.
The Féderation Mondiale du Cirque asks for your cooperation for the World Circus Day wishes you a great preparation to the World Circus Day on 15th of April 2017 and success, happiness during the celebrations.