IAAPA provides five scholarships to the AIMS safety seminar in memory of Alan Ramsay

By | December 12, 2014

AIMSbannerThe amusement industry lost a dear friend in 2011 when Alan Ramsay passed away at the young age of 41. Alan was a friend to anyone he met and a true fan of our industry possessing a passion and commitment for the amusement industry. Alan served on the AIMS Education Committee and was instrumental in providing many of the recommendations for the Safety Seminar to the AIMS Board of Directors.

In tribute to Alan, the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA) is honored to provide five scholarships to the AIMS Safety Seminar in his name. Alan will be missed, but his positive impact on the industry will not be forgotten. An application for scholarship can be downloaded from AIMSintl.org website. Completed applications should be emailed to [email protected] or faxed to 714.276.9666. All applications must be received by December 30, 2014. Applicants should confirm their applications have been received. A committee will review the applications and pick the five recipients who will be acknowledged at the AIMS Award Luncheon.